Shop THM
Support honesty in your every-day actions you support the honesty of others.
When you THM attire, we know you will exemplify the value of honesty in all your actions.
Remember, proceeds go towards organizations focused on promoting honesty and combatting propaganda and disinformation.

Shop THM
Support honesty in your every-day actions you support the honesty of others.
When you THM attire, we know you will exemplify the value of honesty in all your actions.
Remember, proceeds go towards organizations focused on promoting honesty and combatting propaganda and disinformation.

OURE: pronounced OW-ER [ˈaʊɚ]
Observe. Understand. Respond
In what we think, in what we do, in what we say: it is up to us to improve the world. As individuals, as groups, as friends, as enemies: it is our combined realizations that help the world. Honesty is key.
We share an easy mnemonic to help more of us to realize that we can create success for all of us: Observe. Understand. Respond Effectively.
Respond Effectively
What we see informs what we know.
The more we take in, the more we can know.
The more we can know, the more we can ...
What we can understand informs us on what we can do. The more we can do, the better choices we might make. The greater our ability to ...
In how we react, we will set the stage for reactions to continue or to end. We can help others learn. We can learn ourselves.